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Packaging Java Applications For Mac

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by deruteti1973 2020. 2. 21. 17:06


Packaging java applications for mac os

Mar 14, 2016 - up vote 11 down vote. There is a library that let's you package your Java app. You can try this app, it bundles your jar file into Mac app. Edit: it's easy to use.

Packaging Java Applications For Mac Free

Getting your JavaFX app into the hands of end users is often as important as writing the app in the first place. This session outlines the processes, tools (including the JavaFX Packager), and techniques needed to get your application on the Mac App Store. Fit and finish are a major concern for Mac app users, so the presentation also addresses common visual and integration issues with Mac OS X. Authors: Danno Ferrin Danno Ferrin is a Software Engineer at Fluke Networks by day, where he is enhancing a long-standing application to work on JavaFX and mobile devices. He has worked with Java since the beta release in 1995 and has only had one software job where he hasn't used a JVM on a daily basis. He has contributed to several open source projects including committing to Apache Tomcat, Apache Ant, the Groovy Programming Language and co-founded the Griffon Framework. He sings tenor, used to play the clarinet and piano, and was an award winning debater for his high school speech team.

Packaging Java Applications For Mac Download

His favorite colors are green and orange. View more trainings by Danno Ferrin at David Dehaven David DeHaven has been developing software for Macintosh systems for over 15 years and media rich Java applications for the last six years. He joined Sun in 2008 to work on media in JavaFX and in Jan 2013 joined the Java Deployment team. View more trainings by David Dehaven at Find more related tutorials at.